
Deutsch Anfang

Englisch Anfang

Responsible for the content:

Dr. Rozalia Csutak,

Specialist in Pediatrics an Adolescent medicine

Liniengasse 2B/3
1060 Wien/ Vienna

+43 1 597 25 65
+43 1 597 25 65 20

Member of the Austrian and Vienna Medical Society

Medical work is based on Austrian medical law

Disclosure according to the Media Act

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Given the fact that all content of our internet presence has been created with utmost accurateness and in good faith, a guarantee for being up-to-date, completeness and correctness and can still not be granted. We immediately will remove these contents from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. We are not liable before the moment of knowledge.

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Our website contains so-called “external links” (links to third parties’ websites), where we don’t have any chances of influence on the contents and therefor are unable to assume any liability. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the moment we linked those pages, we didn’t have any knowledge of a specific breach of law. We would remove these contents from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained.

Copyright: The contents and works published on this website are protected by the Austrian copyright laws. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorization from the respective author and/or the manufacturer.

Text by Dr. Rozalia Csutak
Photos by Studio Köb
Logo created by MagArt. Angelika Kratzig



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By visiting our website information on online access (date, time, page visits) can be saved on the server. This does not represent any analysis of personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address).  In case personal data has been collected, it is solely based on voluntary basis upon the user’s agreement. Any transmission of your data to third parties will not take place without your expressed declaration of consent. However, we would like to point out that complete protection of data transmitted via the Internet can not be guaranteed at the current state of technology. Therefore, we cannot accept liability for damages caused by security vulnerability and so on. The use / transfer of the contact information published by third parties for advertising purposes, and disclosure are explicitly prohibited.

Englisch Ende

Ungarisch Ende